This project has been suffused with poetry since it's inception; from the time Janet and I discovered that Beckett's text could be scanned as Shakespeare's text can to our finding and reading all the poems that Winnie can't remember and more. Beckett was a poet. Janet was a poet. Asta's husband is a poet. So . . . poetry reading!
On the 22nd of October, downstairs at Lolita Bar, we will have several New York poets read new work on a theme suggested by the play, commissioned by Intentional Theater. They will also read other pieces of their own. I have given each poet a choice of theme for the new poem; either "the allure of death" or "the unknowability of time".
Other fun to be had will be a raffle with great prizes, a poem that you may add to (for a small fee) projected on a wall, baked goods for sale and . . . drum roll please, "Those Wonderful Lines", the chapbook of poems that Winnie can't remember will be on sale!
It promises to be a great evening and you should all come!