A wonderful evening was had by about 40 people in the basement of Lolita Bar at the Poetry Fundraiser for Intentional Theater's Happy Days!
The atmosphere was relaxed as poets Jeff McDaniel, Rachel M. Simon, Hila Ratzabi, Cristina Izaquirre and Chris Hansen-Nelson each wowed the audience with amazing words. Ms. Simon graciously donated some of her books "The Theory of Oange" for sale, and we had early copies of "Those Wonderful Lines; the poetry of Happy Days" available.
Alba Garzon brought baked goods to sell; whiskey cake and the stunning "Winnie in the Mound Guinness Cupcakes" pictured here. They were clever and delicious! Two bottles of wine, a Sarah Lynch cd, and a Fourth Arts Block canvas bag with compact fluorescent bulbs were all raffled off to the delight of the winners!
Thanks to the generosity of those people, Intentional made over $200.oo toward the production, and the tallying is not done yet! Some folks who could not come have sent donations in the mail, so far another $250.oo! If you would like to join these fine donators please see the post titled Donate! for how to do so.
If you are interested in a copy of "Those Wonderful Lines", contact me: meusebio@earthlink.net